Thursday, December 2, 2010


Tomorrow, Friday the 3rd (ten days off...), I will be writing my first Klausur in German. Klausur is roughly translated as "big, nasty essay test" or "headache." Take your pick. Unfortunately, I must take both. My actual first Klausur was in English class, so that doesn't really count...
I'll be writing for my History course, and the subject is the "1848/49 German Revolution." I've been reading in English to prepare myself better on the material, aber Ich auf Deutsch schreiben muss.  It's going to be interesting to see how I do.

We had out first freeze last week on Thursday, and unlike Oklahoma, it has stayed at or below freezing since then. I wasn't in shorts and a T-Shirt three days later. In fact, I don't think I have worn shorts since the beginning of September. I miss Shorts Friday.
We had our first snow on Monday this week, and unlike Oklahoma, we've still had school despite the fact that there is snow on the ground.  Crazy, huh?

We are finished with Badminton in sport. I am incredibly grateful.

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